
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Provo Children's Book Festival

Hey! So I've been invited to participate in the Provo Children's Book Festival this year at the Academy Library. Come visit. I'll be there all day. I'll be hanging with Guy Francis in the Children's Circle, drawing and stuff, starting 1 pm. And then I think my book signing time is 1:30 to 3:30 or something like that. Which is really a whole lot o' time for the one, maybe two books I'll be signing... ;-)

Provo Children’s Book Festival
Provo City Library at Academy Square
Saturday, May 16, 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
550 North University Avenue

Monday, May 4, 2009

sugar plum #2 media blitz

The next book in the Sugar Plum Ballerinas series is out tomorrow (May 5). There was a mention on The View this morning - sorry, you missed it!

Other Whoopi Goldberg appearances this week:
May 5: Good Morning America (ABC)
May 7: Larry King Live (CNN)

There is also a little excerpt posted at

Go Sugar Plum Power!

5.5.09 Edit:
Go here to see the clip from Good Morning America.