
Sunday, May 9, 2010

provo children's book festival

Heya rockstars!
You know, whenever I have a new resolve to post more often, it ends up going a few months before the next post. Maybe I jinx myself with ambitious thoughts... heh. Actually truth is I've just been really really busy. My newest obsession has been Encaustic Painting (painting with hot wax). Been experimenting with that a little, even took a workshop in San Francisco a couple months ago, although I haven't touched it since then. When I get through this latest batch of deadlines, I'll post some more about it.

But moving on to the main point of this post! This Saturday, May 15, I'll be representin' at the Provo Children's Book Festival. I'll be there 1-5 in the Illustrator's Corner with Guy Francis, Nathan Hale, Sherry Meidell and Julie Olson. I think we'll be drawing and stuff - should be lots of fun. So if you are in the neighborhood, drop by!

And finally, this illustration was for The Friend last year. It was a book review article (see: relevance!). Just a stop sign guy, but I really like how it turned out for whatever reason. For those who get The Friend, I did the upcoming June cover - so watch for it! That was a lot of fun to do.


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